Observations on the Timing of the First Vision
Joseph Smith–History Insight #20 Why did God the Father and His Son Jesus Christ wait until “early in the spring of eighteen hundred and twenty” (Joseph Smith–History 1:14)
Joseph Smith–History Insight #20 Why did God the Father and His Son Jesus Christ wait until “early in the spring of eighteen hundred and twenty” (Joseph Smith–History 1:14)
Joseph Smith–History Insight #19 Joseph Smith was not the only person who claimed visionary experiences during the “unusual excitement on the subject of religion” (Joseph Smith–History 1:5) known
Joseph Smith–History Insight #18 One of the more dramatic divine pronouncements delivered to Joseph Smith during his First Vision concerns the creeds being propounded by Christian leaders and
Joseph Smith–History Insight #17 As members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints have studied the accounts of Joseph Smith’s First Vision over many decades— particularly
Joseph Smith–History Insight #16 Latter-day Saints have formulated a number of important theological or doctrinal points that can be learned from Joseph Smith’s First Vision. Some of these
Joseph Smith–History Insight #15 The accounts of the First Vision left by Joseph Smith establish the basic details of this supremely important historical experience. These details include the
Joseph Smith–History Insight #14 Joseph Smith was influenced in many ways by his time and culture. He spent his teenage years growing up in western New York’s so-called
Joseph Smith–History Insight #13 As historians strive to understand and interpret the past, they are dependent upon the memories of those who were there and who left a